30 Jun 2019

Within our specialization in working with plastics (laser cutting, plastic milling, plastic bending, plastic bonding, etc.) we specialize in the production of plastic stands. Specifically, we focus on plexi stands. Plexi stands are made for our clients from the Czech Republic (Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Pilsen, Olomouc and other cities)…

30 Jun 2019

As part of our specialization in cutting, bending and gluing plexiglass and other plastics, we are engaged in the production of outdoor advertising stands and stands. POP and POS plastic advertising stands we produce for clients all over the Czech Republic but also abroad. In addition to the production…

24 Jun 2019

PVC Polyvinyl chloride is one of the most widely used plastics. Very good machinability and possibility of gluing. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. Low cost. Excellent optical properties for transparent elements. The big advantages of pvc foils are already mentioned financial lowness, low weight and resistance to…

24 Jun 2019

Soft foam structure with closed surface. PVC Polyvinyl chloride is one of the most widely used plastics. Very good machinability and possibility of gluing. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. Low cost. Financial advantages, low weight and corrosion and chemical resistance are the great advantages of pvc boards….

24 Jun 2019
24 Jun 2019

Extruded polyester sheets with excellent chemical resistance and strength. The greatest advantage of PET-G is its excellent thermoformability and good optical properties. The extruded PET-G copolyester board has a high impact strength and excellent chemical and UV resistance. It also tolerates low temperatures and has a very low surface…

24 Jun 2019

Dibond ® Aluminum Sandwich Plate Aluminum sandwiches are a combination of a lightweight polyethylene core in thin aluminum plates. They are characterized by their low weight, dimensional stability, excellent weather resistance and a perfectly smooth surface. Bend easily and aesthetically high-quality 3D objects can be easily produced. Sandwiches are…

24 Jun 2019

Polycarbonate Sheets The more accurate name should be polycarbonate cellboard because straight plastic plates, trapezoidal and corrugated plates and interlocking panels of a variety of profile, format, and trapezoidal and corrugated panels are used in the construction for thermally insulating unbreakable glazing, roofing and roofing. and features. Polycarbonate is…

24 Jun 2019

We specialize in bending (molding) all kinds of plastics and acrylates by heat treatment in Prague and also throughout the Czech Republic. We use plastic and acrylic bending to handle advertising and sales racks and gastro racks . In addition, bend advertising stands , presentation stands , and leaflet…

24 Jun 2019

In addition to bending (molding) all kinds of plastics and acrylates, we specialize in cutting and firing plastics and plexiglas using lasers in Prague and the Czech Republic. Laser cutting of Plexiglas and plastics is a highly efficient technology that divides materials. This technology has many advantages. It is…